December 7th was one of those nights where many good shows where all happening at the same time, and right next to each other. I didn't shoot everything I saw that night, but you can't win them all!
The first band of the night is the super talented TV Mike and the Scarecrowes playing at the Night Lamp in downtown Oakland. I had never seen them play, nor had I been to the Night Lamp, but neither of the two disappointed! Check out their work here!
Right after TV Mike was a city based band called Mahgeetah. They rocked me pretty hard, but in all the right places. Check out some of their stuff here.
THEN! We all made our way to The Uptown in time to catch MAUS HAUS.
Ok, I had no clue who they were, though I am acquainted with other projects associated with the band. I CANT STOP LISTENING TO THIS. Holy crap they were awesome. There were definitely fans present to set the dancey tone of the show, I admit I felt bad getting in the way of the dance party, but the shots were so worth it when I wasn't compelled to shake it myself in between exposures. Seriously, go see Maus Haus, or at least get your hands on their album...